Lectures and presentations

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(programme in Czech)

10:45 - 11:00

Opening and introduction of the CU Career Centre

in Czech

11:00 - 11:45

Employment minimum

in Czech

What rights and obligations do employees have? What should you look out for when negotiating an employment contract and how does it differ from contract work (DPP and DPČ)? What limits apply when planning working hours and under what conditions can an employer dismiss an employee? In his short lecture, Jakub Tomšej from the Faculty of Law will offer a practically oriented interpretation of the most important issues relating to employment law and answer questions regarding the employment of students and graduates.

JUDr. Jakub Tomšej , Ph.D.

11:45 - 12:30

“In service of the state” or Civil service as a career choice

in Czech

Are you thinking about working for the government or in an EU institution? You will learn:

- Whether the civil service sector is sufficiently modern and flexible,

- What are the benefits of being employed,

- Graduates of which fields can find work as a civil servant,

- What are the requirements for civil servants,

- What is the current situation for civil service salaries,

- Whether the civil service sector is in line with current trends,

- What are the possibilities for further growth in the civil service sector,

- The government as an advantageous, interesting, and prospective employer.

Mgr.et Mgr. Jana Drábová, Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

12:30 - 13:30

Ask a career counsellor

in Czech

Career counsellor Petra will first introduce you to career counselling services and her work. She will then answer your questions, especially with respect to education and gaining experience, CVs, LinkedIn, and other forms of self-presentation, searching for work, freelance work, and remuneration.Want to be sure your question is answered? Send it to us in advance at .

Ing. Lucie Václavková, Ph.D.

13:30 - 13:45

Charles University Volunteer Centre

in Czech

One way to show HR professionals and future employers your interest in the field, your professional qualities and experience is by adding volunteer work to your CV.

The CU Volunteer Center is here for you, offering a diverse range of volunteer positions that allow you to develop your soft skills, enhance your competencies, and gain new experiences that can help you to prepare for your future career!

As a bonus, you’ll become part of a community of volunteers, gain new experiences, broaden your horizons, and spend your time making a positive impact on society and the world around you.

Come explore our volunteer opportunities - we believe there’s something for everyone!

13:45 - 14:45

Getting started in the job world: CVs, interviews, etc.

in Czech

14:45 - 15:15

Green Jobs, Big Impact : Skills for Change

in Czech

Are you interested in work that has meaning? Discover opportunities in the world of green jobs.

I will explain why this growing field is worth exploring and where you can gain hands-on experience. Come and explore your future possibilities.

Ing. Milada Karasová

15:15 - 16:15

Using your own potential to motivate yourself and others

in Czech

Discover yourself and you can excel – in spite of everything and everyone!

If you discover in yourself what you can do, what you are good at, and you do it with joy, then you can create and achieve your own process.

If you find the strength and courage to carry out your plans, whatever you want, then you will overcome fear, shame, and anxiety.

You will simply win.

You will understand the importance of motivation and understand its tools.

You will recognize in yourself what you excel in, and you can

encourage others as well.

You will understand that people’s differences and being able to help each other is the fastest motivation that will move you forward.

The ability to motivate and self-motivate is an essential component of any activity we create. And that also includes, among other things, your studies. We have questions about how to maintain motivation in order to overcome the initial obstacles during your studies and to ensure you get back what you put into it.

Motivation is the force that activates behaviour and gives it direction. The quality of all the activities we perform is related to motivation. People spend energy to satisfy their needs, and this is directly reflected in your university, work, and private activities and results.

Mgr. Helena Horálková

16:15 - 17:00

How does experience in a student union enrich a professional CV and open doors to new career opportunities?

in Czech or English




(programme in English)

11:15 - 11:45

Entrepreneurship: why learn it even if you're not going into business

in Czech

Kateřina Jiřinová, an experienced lecturer and mentor in the field of management and innovation, will show you not only that entrepreneurship can be learned. She will also explain what to think of as entrepreneurship. The concept of entrepreneurship is not only related to entrepreneurship as such. It is about the ability to develop, to cooperate, to co-organise, to respond to current life and career challenges, to see opportunities where others do not see them, and to be socially useful.  In this lecture, you will learn why entrepreneurship is more important than ever and discover ways you can improve your entrepreneurial skills.

11:45 - 12:30

Legal practice in the Army of the Czech Republic

in Czech

12:30 - 13:00

Gateway to the EU institutions - preparation for the recruitment process to the EU institutions

presentation in English, interpretation in Czech

An innovative course designed for final year students and graduates of Charles University will be presented. It is designed for those who want to develop their career in the European Union (EU) institutions and bodies. EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) organises the selection procedures for job positions in the EU institutions. Attention of the course is paid to career options and opportunities for employment in the EU institutions and bodies in order to increase the chances of success in selection procedures and thus strengthen the representation of Czech men and women in the EU. The graduate will be prepared for the different stages of the selection procedure and will be familiar with the methods leading to success in the selection procedure. Emphasis is placed on the development of soft skills. The course is a joint project of Charles University (UK) and Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE).

PhDr. Olga Běhounková, Ph.D.

13:00 - 13:30

Careers in the EU institutions

in English

The European Union represents a unique project with a fundamental impact on the lives of citizens in Europe and around the world. Working in EU institutions thus offers the opportunity to influence important political decisions and actively contribute to solving the challenges of the 21st century. Thanks to the variety of job opportunities in the EU, you can apply your skills in several spheres and gain new experiences in a unique multicultural environment. Over 60,000 employees from 27 member countries work for European institutions. In European institutions, you can use your knowledge of not only the 24 official languages of the EU, but also outside the EU, at Delegations located all over the world. Not only students of international relations will find their application, but also doctors, lawyers, scientists or translators.

Tereza Sanjuan

13:30 - 14:15

How to find a job/part-time as a foreigner

in English

Together we will get to know the specifics of the labor market in the Czech Republic, cultural differences, advantages and barriers for foreigners on the labor market. We will show you the opportunities, where and how to search for a job or part-time job - what kind of jobs and industries are in demand in the Czech Republic, and where to look for leading employers and/or job agents. We will look how to formulate correctly a job application and CV, as well as what are the obligations of a job applicant from EU/non-EU countries. At the end, you will have space for your questions, which you can also send in advance to stancova@careerpartner.cz.

M.Sc. Denisa Stáncová, UK Career Advisor

14:15 - 15:00

Careers in International Affairs

in English

Employment in international organizations

Are you looking for a job that will impact the lives of millions of people? Are you seeking a multicultural environment and are not afraid of foreign languages? Then international organizations might be the right place for you. International organizations are not only a key platform in the field of international relations but also a promising employer that offers employment for students and graduates in various fields. The lecture will summarize basic information about employment opportunities and the process of selection procedures for NATO, OECD, OSCE, UN and the Council of Europe.

Mgr., MA Eduard Hulicius

15:00 - 16:00

Getting started in the job world: CVs, interviews, etc.

in English

16:00 - 17:00

Doctorate: An Opportunity for Personal and Professional Development?

in English

Are you interested in whether a PhD is intended solely for the academic field or if it can also open doors in the commercial world? This topic will be explored in a panel discussion with members of the Czech Association of Doctoral Candidates and PhD graduates. Come to get inspired and ask the questions that shape your professional and academic career.

17:00 - 18:00

Navigating Academia: Post PhD/MSc Career Guide

in English

Completing a PhD is a major achievement—but what comes next? Deciding whether to stay in academia or explore opportunities beyond university research can be a complex challenge. Understanding the different career paths, requirements, and key milestones is essential for making an informed decision.In this session, we will explore the structure of an academic career in the Czech Republic and abroad, discussing the crucial steps needed to build a successful academic trajectory—or to determine if it’s the right path for you


  • We will specifically address the following points in the presentation and the following discussion:How to prepare for transitions between different career stages

  • What qualifications are needed for a successful career in academia?

  • What are the available career paths in academia?

  • What should motivate you to pursue an academic career, and what aspects you should consider before starting it?

  • How academic career structures differ between the Czech Republic and other countries

  • Where can you find more information about the academic career path?

MUDr. Mgr. Helena Janíčková, Ph.D.

Last change: March 7, 2025 09:29