Elevator pitch: introduce yourself in one minute

Practice your elevator speech with our professionals.

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What is an elevator pitch and how to be ready for it?

A short self-introduction of max. 60 seconds.

The word elevator is essential to its definition.

Elevator pitch is useful for unexpected meetings (with the future employer in the elevator) and as part of the preparation for a job interview or a job fair. A popular question of the hirers is: "What can you tell us about yourself?"

So to be ready to make an impression on the spot - whether in the elevator, at a conference or in a job interview - just write your own distinctive elevator pitch. Once you've created it, you just need to update it from time to time to make it relevant to your specific event or meeting.

How to make it?

Think about what you want people to remember about you, what you want your name to be remembered for, for example, by a hirer, a team leader, a thesis supervisor or anyone else. What experience, skills and knowledge should they automatically associate you with? What else should he or she think of when someone mentions your name?

First, try to answer the following questions:

What makes you who you are?

What makes you proud?

What have you accomplished so far?

Where have you gained experience?

What are your strengths?

What would you like to achieve in life? And why?

Where are you heading? What is your vision?

Last change: February 26, 2025 16:43